How to make a difference

There are countless injustices in this world, and things often seem to be getting worse. How can a normal person like you or me make an impact in a significant way? You might feel overwhelmed, but here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Find something that you care about. Passion is key. If you don’t know what it is, think of a simple thing that you think could easily be changed for the better.
  2. Be consistent and do your best. Show up on time, do what you say you will do. Have a system for organizing your notes, appointments, and so on. I use Google Drive and my smartphone, but a day-planner works just as well for many people. Have good hygiene, try to be sociable, and keep your options open. A piece of gum goes a long way 😀 but make sure to keep it discreet if you keep it in your mouth while talking. An email address is crucial – a mobile phone is also a good idea for both voice and texting – if you can afford it.
  3. Educate yourself about your topic. If you have the means, go to college. Go to the library and speak with a reference librarian. Do searches online and check the validity of the authors. Just because someone seems important doesn’t mean they are. If there are any doubts, try to get them on the phone to discuss their area of expertise. Use your best judgment and only trust worthy sources.
  4. Write about the topic. Turn your research into something tangible. Generate new ideas, run them by your friends, peers, mentors, and so on. Organize your ideas and try to create innovative solutions. Even if it never gets published, it will help you build talking points to generate further conversation.
  5. Learn about politics. You may hate the subject, but having a real understanding of how politics work in your area of the world can help you outline the fastest path to success. Try volunteering for a municipal, state, or national political candidate – and learn as much as you can about all aspects of the campaign and do as much as you can to help out.
  6. Learn about media. News agencies are constantly looking for a story. You can help them by presenting your passion in an interesting way. You’ll have to work hard at it; learn how to write a press release, how to speak on the phone, how to set-up a meeting and ask the right questions. Your notes, calendar, and communication devices are crucial here.
  7. Find organizations that support the cause for which you wish to work. These organizations often write legislation or lobby politicians to incorporate their ideas into legislation. Your skills at researching, writing, asking questions, generating ideas, and working with the media are invaluable to places like this, especially since their budgets are often limited and the aforementioned skill-sets are difficult to find in one person.
  8. Make it your job. Work for an organization as described or start your own. Larger public libraries often have a legal reference librarian on staff. If not, try a local college’s law school or learn about the matter online.
  9. Balance. Work hard, work hard, keep working, take a break. Enjoy life and those in your life who make it worthwhile. Your tireless efforts are bound to affect your cause but your health and relationships aren’t worth the stress of overworking yourself. It doesn’t hurt to take a break from time to time, and might actually help to keep you from burning out. Change passions, learn about different things, but keep a balance. Work hard and enjoy your life.

That’s all for now. I hope you find this helpful – please let me know your thoughts!

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