Category: goals
Nutrition Label Data – Understanding What We Eat
Nutrition labels aren't entirely useless—their regulations are surprisingly thorough and they provide basic information about most of the food we eat. Unfortunately, they also legally allow misrepresentation (mostly of serving portions), which the FDA and other regulatory bodies are often unable to validate. The far larger issue is understanding what those numbers and ingredients mean.
Call to Action and Things to Come
Hi there, awesome blog readers! Last week hit an all-time record high of 167 readers, averaging 24 per day! On top of that, I've gotten some wonderfully kind in-person and online feedback over the past two weeks, and total hits are quickly approaching 2000. I want to do an even better job, but I need your help.
100 Chinese foods to try before you die
I found a few links on the serious eats feed that I think I'll repost, just so I can keep track of things that I've eaten. Here are 100 Chinese foods to try before you die [original link].
101 Things in 1001 Days
Awhile ago, a friend told me about a project called 101 Things in 1001 Days. Check it out. Here's my list:
Effective Longterm Weightloss Solutions
When finding out a friend of mine used to be overweight, I instantly fall into disbelief. "Really?!" "How'd you lose the weight?" "What did you do with all your clothes?"