Hi there, awesome blog readers! Last week hit an all-time record high of 167 readers, averaging 24 per day! On top of that, I've gotten some wonderfully kind in-person and online feedback over the past two weeks, and total hits are quickly approaching 2000. I want to do an even better job, but I need your help.
Its just past 3:30 in the morning and though tired, I don't really feel it. So, I went for a super-mini bike ride up the street to check on the pears I mentioned awhile back. Unlike last time, I spotted a cluster instantly. They're not full size yet, nor should they be. Afterall, its barely September. Anyhow, here's a photo:
I was supposed to meet a friend. But as I stepped off the bus I found myself face to face with a place I'd only heard of. I didn't remember the name, but rather the location. So, just before 7pm, I walked through the corner entrance of the building on 49th and North Avenue: Viet Hoa.