Hi. I’m Sarandi.
I am a designer (web, print, motion, identity), cook, cyclist, engineer, animator, photographer, illustrator, writer, musician, performer, inventor, knitter, and more. I love making things with my hands and brain. And I love using conjunctions at the beginnings of sentences.
This is a place for me to document my projects – mostly food, but also web development & other programming, art, cycling, and DIY and sustainable things. I hope you learn something from it. I certainly have.
Hey-O Sarandi!
I’ve been reading the blog lately and enjoy it much. I have to give kudos on the tostones recipe, being half-a-Rican, damn fine job! Did you check out “I Like Killing Flies” yet? Shoot me an e-mail when you do, and let me know what you think! I’ll keep reading, and hopefully see you on the streets. Cheers!
Eat well and bike safe,