Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset

For rapid xhtml/css development, this is invaluable:

Especially when you pair it up with this:

2 thoughts on “Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset

  1. Meyer’s list used to be spring into developing a site. Eventually, I found myself fighting and redefining much of what he had written. Lately, it seems I’m rolling my own.

  2. He revised it, just over a month ago.

    It’s got most of what I need as far as evening out browser parsing of css/x/html, so I use it as a base and append as necessary with other workarounds and things like basic element styling that I employ across all the sites I work on [pseudo-selectors (:hover, :focus, etc.), list formatting, baseline/leading, standard text-sizes/proportions, padding on certain elements (p, link-based buttons w/ background, etc.)]. This list isn’t comprehensive by any means, and I use other ideas from various resets and standards documents/bugs…but this is my foundation.

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