Summer Garden 2009

Some friends and I, as well as neighbors, have started a community garden. I won’t disclose the location, but, know this: it is awesome. There’s about 200 by 50 feet of usable area – most of which has been planted. In the ground and growing are:

  1. spinach
  2. collards
  3. mustards
  4. brazing mix
  5. broccoli
  6. brussels sprouts
  7. cabbage
  8. cauliflower
  9. carrots
  10. peas
  11. radishes
  12. beets
  13. swiss chard (two kinds)
  14. turnips
  15. celeriac
  16. bush beans
  17. cucumbers (two kinds)
  18. squash
  19. zucchini
  20. potatoes
  21. leeks
  22. onions
  23. tomatoes (several varieties)
  24. peppers (several varieties)
  25. eggplant
  26. tomatillo
  27. cilantro
  28. thyme
  29. oregano
  30. basil
  31. kale
  32. zinias
  33. sunflowers
  34. lillies
  35. other flowers

We’re hoping to have a few neighborhood BBQs featuring food from the garden – but that probably won’t be until closer to August or September. I hope to have pictures up soon!

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