Words of the Day

School just started, and I’ve been extremely busy–but I promise more food related posts soon! For now, here are some words whose meanings I’ve re/learned whilst reading for school:

  1. tacit – understood or implied without being stated
  2. efface – erase (a mark) from a surface | make oneself appear insignificant or inconspicuous
  3. assuage – make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense | satisfy
  4. confer – grant or bestow
  5. memento mori – “remember that you are mortal”
  6. vertiginous – causing vertigo, esp. by being extremely high or steep
  7. goad – a thing that stimulates someone into action | to provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate some action or reaction

The definitions are from the Oxford English Dictionary, except for where linked.

2 thoughts on “Words of the Day

  1. one of my new favorite words (from this gre vocab book i’m going through) is “philatelist.” it’s fun to say. it basically means “stamp collector,” or “one who studies stamps.” it’s a challenge to use in a conversation for obvious reasons. as soon as i learned this word it was totally used on a Venture Brothers episode! what a coincidence. the same thing happened a while back with the word “hubris.” that show loves its vocab.

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