For reasons I’d rather not get into at the moment, I find myself working on a Windows machine at the moment. My desktop runs Debian 12, but this is a laptop, and right now I need to do Linux stuff.
So I did a little research and tried installing WSL via PowerShell – but it failed.
So I did a little more research and it suggested installing with command prompt.
So I did, and it worked, kind of.
By default, WSL installed Ubuntu (version largely irrelevant), but as it tried spinning up the VM, it gave error-0x80370102.
So, yet more research.
Turns out I simply needed to enable virtualization in the BIOS.
On this machine, reboot didn’t seem receptive to using ESC to enter boot settings. So I hard restarted and pressed ESC repeatedly until a menu appeared from which I selected F10 to enter BIOS settings. From there I simply enabled Virtualization, saved, and started up Windows.
After logging in I reran wsl --install
and this time it fully completed and started up an Ubunto terminal session. Hooray!
Now I’ll likely need to install the requisite tools (ssh, etc.) to access my various servers and I should be good to go.
In case you’re wondering, my goal is to install Paperless-ngx on my big server.
From their GitHub:
Paperless-ngx is a document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive so you can keep, well, less paper.
That write up will come as soon, but first I need to set up Docker Compose, so expect that next.