How to fix: Google Chrome replaces People name with Google

I use Google Chrome’s People feature to manage and run different profiles simultaneously. This is a tremendous boon to keeping my personal and work life separate and in order.

That said, the feature is functional, but doesn’t have any frills. I would guess most sought improvement would be to allow for user-defined sorting via drag-and-drop.

But, no matter. I just prepend an underscore and number like so _0Profile0 or _1Profile1, and Chrome sorts them alphabetically.

Or rather, it used to. Somewhere around v75 Chrome started prepending the user’s logged into Google Account Display Name and wrapping the People-defined profile name with parenthesis, thus breaking the alpha sort.

What’s the point of giving people the ability to name the profile if you’re just going to supersede their definitions with your own? If anything, the smarter andmore thoughtful way of handling this is to let the user choose which is the canonical – the Profile name or the gAccount name.

In any case, I found a fix, thanks to Google Chrome Support User Alex Cleater, who posted:

disabling the top option on this page: chrome://flags/#profile-menu-revamp

Now, after months, my Chrome People Profiles sort in the desired order again.

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